David Bitler
Fleetwood, PA
“I first started dairying on my own in 1979 and Fred Hendricks got me started on the aAa® program. The next year when Fred returned, he was accompanied by Mr. Weeks himself and he did my herd. When Fred moved west, we were analyzed by Ron Buffington, then Charlie Clark, and now Ed Smith. It’s an unbiased evaluation that is accepted by most bull studs and gives a good start in selecting service sires. I haven’t bred any famous cows, but we have a very nicely balanced herd. And we have sold a lot of cows that have done well for other farms. I’m a believer in the value of aAa® and any time you can talk cows with a analyzer, classifier, breeder, or other dairyman (especially your cows) it’s a GOOD day.”
David Bitler
Vista-Grande Holsteins
Fleetwood, Pennsylvania, USA