Bruce Cameron
We began using the aAa® mating guide 10 years ago after talking to Cees Van Baar from Samen NZ and Dr. John Reber of Ohio, USA. We have had American analyzer Jim Sarbacker and the Dutch analyzers Jan Schilder, Maurice Kaul and Jurjen Groenveld analyze cattle on our property. We are seeing the balance and quality of our herd improve year by year. I was looking for a way to use overseas POLLED genetics better than the results we were getting. aAa® focuses on the needs of each cow and the strengths of each sire to help breed more balanced calves. Over time our udders have improved, our Jerseys are bigger, stronger and a little taller. They have the ability to consume more feed and make more milk. We also find very few failures. The lines of replacement have been very even. It is great that LIC, CRV Ambreed and Samen NZ are having their bulls analyzed now.
Bruce Cameron
Ardachie Polled Jerseys
Hunterville, New Zealand