Bill & Sue Hobby
While most official aAa® and Weeks® Animal Analysis is done is for dairy producers around the globe, our aAa® and Weeks® Approved Analyzers also work for beef, horse, goat and sheep breeders, to name a few. The concepts of balanced breeding apply to all aspects of agriculture and the results speak for themselves.
Bill Hobby has been utilizing the concepts of aAa® in his herd of Boer Goats since he began purchasing them years ago. “Obviously, both of these show winners were produced using the aAa® concepts that my husband uses when selecting matings each year for our does and bucks. It is a system that has allowed us to develop more superior offspring and improve the U.S. Boer goat genetics overall,” states Sue. This pair of bucks represented the Hobby family extremely well at a recent National Boer Goat show.
On the left: Hobby Duke of Diamonds Z728 – 2011 IBGA National Overall Reserve Champion Buck.
On the right: Hobby You’re a Kingpin Z717 – 2011 IBGA National Reserve Champion Junior Buck.
The Hobby family has been collecting semen from their best bucks and will be promoting their official aAa® Analysis results to fellow Boer goat breeders to assist them in making better mating decisions.