How Does aAa® Work?
Better Form Leads to Better Function
A cow’s form determines how well and how long she can function. Costly and time-consuming problems with udder, rump, legs, feet, etc. can shorten a cow’s productive life. Problems in one area can affect other areas, for example when a close pelvis squeezes the udder downward or when a narrow frame causes uneven hoof wear. aAa® analyzers study all the parts of a cow, determine the causes of functional problems, and show breeders how to prevent the same problems from occurring in the next generation.
The Form of a Good Dairy Cow

Head | Feminine, medium length, wide muzzle, strong jaw, open nostrils, bright eyes |
Neck | Long, lean |
Forelegs | Straight, long, strong, wide apart, squarely set |
Chest | Well sprung, long fore ribs, wide chest floor |
Loin | Strong, wide, nearly level |
Ribs | Wide, flat, long, well-sprung |
Flank | Refined, arched, deep |
Fore Udder | Strong attachment, moderate length, pliable, elastic |
Rear Udder | Moderate depth, symmetrical, high & wide rear attachment |
Teats | Plumb, squarely placed, well apart, of convenient form, length & size |
Hips | Wide apart, level with back |
Thurls | Wide apart, close to center, between hip & pin bones |
Pins | Wide apart, well-defined, slightly lower than hips |
Tailhead | Set neatly above, and between pin bones |
Hocks | Cleanly molded, well-defined tendons, large, flat & flinty bone |
Pasterns | Strong, springy, large, medium length |
Feet | Short, well-rounded, even, uniform, deep heel, level sole |
The Six aAa® Numbers

1 - Dairy
More milk for size. Fast milk letdown. Ample will to milk.

2 - Tall
Faster growth. High, elastic udder for convenient handling & milking.

3 - Open
Easy moving. Longer breeding life. Room for udder & calving.

4 - Strong
Larger mature size. Room for heart & lungs. Healthy udder, feet & legs.

5 - Smooth
Less injury to teats & legs. Less awkward. Better appetite & capacity.

6 - Style
Attentive character. More durable bones. Less hoof trimming.
Each of the six aAa® numbers describes desirable qualities of form and function. It is not possible for an animal to be “too Dairy” or “too Tall”. You cannot have too much of a good thing! But often, when an animal is extreme in one way, she is also extreme in other, undesirable ways. For example, a cow that is extremely Tall (a quality) may also be extremely narrow (a problem). The best functioning cows are free from extremes and have a balance of aAa® number qualities. All six of the aAa® number qualities are needed together for optimal functioning.
How Do I Use aAa® In My Herd?

A cow or heifer has 3 aAa® numbers, written from left to right in the order she needs them, starting with the quality she needs the most.
A bull may have 3 or 6 aAa® numbers, written from left to right in the order he possesses them, starting with the quality he possesses the most.
Match the aAa® numbers of the cow and bull, using the same high quality bulls you would already use that meet your herd's breeding goals.
How Do I Use aAa® In My Herd?

A cow or heifer has 3 aAa® numbers, written from left to right in the order she needs them, starting with the quality she needs the most.

A bull may have 3 or 6 aAa® numbers, written from left to right in the order he possesses them, starting with the quality he possesses the most.

Match the aAa® numbers of the cow and bull, using the same high quality bulls you would already use that meet your herd's breeding goals.
aAa® Mating Examples:



100% aAa®



85% aAa®



80% aAa®



60% aAa®



50% aAa®

All parts of a dairy cow are connected and function together as a unit. aAa® analyzers study the relationship of parts, identify problems of form and function, and ask, “What is the cause of this cow’s problems? What qualities does she bring to a mating, and what qualities does the bull need to bring in order to produce a daughter who is as good as, or better than, her dam?”. This analysis process is what makes aAa® Animal Analysis different from any other dairy cattle breeding guide or mating program.