aAa® and Weeks® Approved Analyzers
Meet Our Analyzers

aAa® approved analyzers are self-employed breeding consultants who are thoroughly trained in Bill Weeks' aAa® Animal Analysis method. In order to maintain approval, each analyzer must complete monthly training to assure the competence and consistency of all analyzers worldwide. aAa® analyzers are unbiased, unaffiliated with AI companies or semen marketing organizations, and do not recommend specific bulls or AI companies.
North America
Europe & Oceania
Some people may claim to “analyze”, “aAa” or “Triple-A” cows, but unless they are included in the above list, they are not trained and approved aAa® analyzers and are not qualified to provide aAa® Animal Analysis. If you are offered "analysis" by an unqualified person, please contact us.
AI bulls, worldwide, are analyzed by committees of two experienced aAa approved analyzers, who make no judgement about whether a bull is good or bad. Analyzers simply determine which aAa® qualities a bull brings to a mating.